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2019年浙江自考《国际商务英语》试题复习 (三)

2019-01-22 14:24来源:浙江自考网
2019年浙江自考《国际商务英语》试题复习 (三),由浙江自考网整理,供自考生复习。


If the insured intends to hide or mislead anything, which will be regarded as fraud, the contract is voidable.


In compensating claims, insurance company will restore the in-sured to the position he our she was in before a loss occurred.


Before the First World War, the gold standard created a fixed exchange rate system as each country pegged the value of its currency to gold to establish its par value.


Under specific conditions, high interest rate will attract short-term international fund ,increasing the exchange rate of one’s own currency.


There are three type of foreign exchange price namely: the buying rate, the selliong rate and the average of the previous two—the medial rate.


The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is owned by the governments of 160 countries. It finances its lending operations primarily from its own borrowings in world capital market.


The World Bank has set various rules for its loaning operation. It specifies that it must lend only for productive purposes and must stimulate economic growth in the developing countries, and at the same time the loan-receiving countries must be able to repay the loan.


Foreign direct investment is the major form of international in-vestment, whereby residents of one country acquire assets in a foreign country for the purpose of controlling and managing them.


Controlling costs is one of the major motivations for some enterprises to engage in FDI. And lowering production costs is an important consideration.


The introduction of JIT inventory management system can minimize the inventory of the stock so as to increase the efficiency of the operation.


The Stock Exchange plays two fundamental roles: one for capital raising market, one for various investment instrument market.


The unlisted companies can not trade their securities through the listing system at the stock exchange or other stock markets.


The GATT embodies the expectations of its member countries, that is ,to improve standards of living, full employment ,steady growing volume of real income and effective demand ,the full use of the world’s resources and the expansion of production.


The Uruguay Round and the establishment the WTO have shanged the character of the wold trading system.


Although the GATT is based on the principle of non-differential treatment, the less-developed countries still criticize it as a “rich men club” for the interest of the developed world.


The introduction of compulsory and automatic compensatory measures is considered as a solution to solve the problem of deteriorating terms of trade in the developing countries.


Western countries should open up their manufacture markets or provide preferential tariffs to facilitate the industrialization process of the less-developed countries.

上一篇:2019年浙江自考《国际商务英语》试题复习 (二)

下一篇:2019年浙江自考《国际商务英语》试题复习 (四)